Bible Reading

Lent is an opportune time for Christians to immerse themselves in the Scriptures, deepening their understanding of God’s Word. Through regular and intentional Bible reading, believers seek spiritual nourishment, guidance, and inspiration for their faith journey. This practice enhances their knowledge of Christian teachings, encourages personal reflection, and strengthens the foundation of their beliefs

TLE – Bible Reading  PDF

TLE – Bible Reading RNM Video

Discussion Questions:

1) How does the story of Palm Sunday highlight the importance of understanding and internalizing God’s Word in our lives?

2) Reflecting on the anticipation and excitement of the people in Jerusalem during Jesus’ triumphal entry, how can we cultivate a similar eagerness for encountering God through His Word today?

3) What are some of the dangers of celebrating religious events without experiencing personal transformation? How can we ensure that our observance of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter leads to genuine spiritual growth?

4) The sermon draws parallels between the anticipation of the Messiah’s arrival in ancient times and our anticipation of Jesus’ return. How does studying scripture help us prepare for Christ’s second coming?

5) Discuss the concept of God’s Word as a “palette cleanser” in spiritual practices such as prayer, fasting, and repentance. How does immersing ourselves in scripture enhance these disciplines?

6) How can we establish and maintain healthy habits of engaging with scripture in our daily lives, especially beyond the Lenten season?