
Fasting is a Lenten practice where Christians voluntarily abstain from certain foods or activities as a form of self-discipline and spiritual focus. By denying oneself of certain pleasures, individuals aim to deepen their connection with God, cultivate self-control, and heighten their awareness of spiritual needs. Christians often fast during Lent as a symbolic gesture of solidarity with Jesus’ 40 days of fasting in the wilderness.

TLE – Fasting PDF

TLE – Fasting RNM Video

Discussion Questions:

1) How does fasting differ from the modern trend of fasting for health and wellness? How can we ensure that our spiritual fasting remains focused on its intended purpose rather than becoming self-serving?

2) Fasting is a means of drawing closer to God’s presence. Have you ever experienced a deeper spiritual connection through fasting or a similar spiritual discipline? If so, how did it impact your faith journey?

3) Jesus warns against performing acts of fasting for the sake of appearances rather than genuine devotion to God. How can we guard against the temptation to seek validation or recognition from others when practicing spiritual disciplines such as fasting?

4) Fasting is also a personal, intimate practice between oneself and God. In what ways can fasting deepen our relationship with God and cultivate a greater awareness of His presence in our lives?

5) How could we incorporate fasting into our regular spiritual rhythms beyond the Lenten season? What steps can we take to integrate fasting into our ongoing spiritual practices, and how might this consistency impact our spiritual growth?

6) If you were at church on Sunday, we participated in a corporate time of prayer that reflects a commitment to seeking God earnestly through fasting, repentance, and dependence on His strength. How can we incorporate similar prayers into our own fasting experiences to align our hearts with God’s will and purposes?